Jul 10

Happy Independence Day

American Flag

Happy Independence Day

Every year we stop and celebrate our freedoms. This year, West Constructors would like to especially express our thanks to our military. The sacrifices you give every day are beyond comparison to any I can imagine.

Take some time this holiday and thank a soldier for their unselfish sacrifice and devotion.

Thank You from West Constructors!

Jack West

Jun 10

Government and Military Contractor

West Constructors have been a Government and Military Contractor for decades. Our experience working with local, state and federal offices propel us to the forefront of our industry. We Understand!

Commercial construction has evolved immensely, much like the entire world, with the advancement of technology. Remember when it took two men to move a TV or a mobile phone came with a large carrying case for your car? Now, TV’s are inches thick and phones are literally weightless, not to mention the capabilities of the smart phones.

West Constructors has evolved with the rest of the world, using advanced equipment and technology to erect structures precisely and without imperfection. We are proud of every building we build, whether it is a small local government project or huge military venture, we use the same advanced technology on every job.

Jack West


Jun 10

NC Commercial Contractors & Weather

Weather plays a huge part in our world. As commercial contractors in NC, we must know if a thunderstorm or other volatile weather is heading our direction. Safety for our employees is top priority and weather is always in consideration.

We keep an eye on the weather through Weather Underground. Weather Underground is the fastest up to date weather I have ever seen, with updates seemingly every 10 minutes.

So when weather may affect your construction project or outside grilling party, take a tip from Jack and bookmark Weather Underground.

Jack West